Com os capítulos finais de “Caminho das Índias” se aproximando, a situação de Yvone (Letícia Sabatella) vai se tornando cada dia mais difícil. A vilã levará outra surra no capítulo que vai ao ar amanhã (1) e será levada para a cadeia.
Depois de descobrir que Raul (Alexandre Borges) está vivo, Silvia (Débora Bloch) pega o falso atestado de óbito do marido, assinado por Yvone, e decide levá-lo à delegacia.
No meio do caminho Silvia muda de ideia e decide ir atrás da psicopata no hotel em que ficou hospedada. Entretanto lá se surpreende ao saber que Yvone deixou o local. A professora então decide ir à rodoviária e flagra a falsa amiga entrando no banheiro.
Ao se deparar com Yvone, Silvia lhe dá uma surra e chama a vilã de mentirosa. Depois disso a polícia surge e separa as duas. Yvone torna a provocar e novamente é atacada por Silvia. Em seguida a professora liga para o delegado e avisa sobre a tentativa de fuga da psicopata e em poucos minutos carros de polícia cercam o ônibus de Yvone e a prendem.
“Caminho das Índias” é exibida de segunda a sábado às 21h.
Last summer I interned for Columbia and came across this band on myspace. They were soooo poppy it was ridiculous. I knew this would catch some interest and once I played them for the label, there were some calls made and rumors were being thrown around that they were signed so we moved on. Come this last May and I was sent to cover the Hey Monday show and I find out that day that they just signed to Columbia. WHAAATTT?? Apparently their manager made it happen. Pfft…wish I could have gotten some credit. Anyway you might hate this bubblegum pop but 13 year old girls love it and they’re cute very nice guys. They had a Dennys after party and were kind enough to walk around the room and talk to all their fans. I could see them rising over the top of all the other pop bands out there right now. Try listening to their songs and NOT getting it stuck in your head. Good luck.
P.S. I love that their song “Shake and Shout” chorus mentions New Found Glory.
The Sounds are masters in making catchy songs. Their new album “Crossing the Rubicon” has some great tunes on it. “My lover” was my immediate favorite, but “Beatbox” has potensial too. Listen to their whole album on Spotify.
They’re touring right now and I’m deeply disappointed that they didn’t include Norway. Maybe you’re more fortunate where you’re at? Chech out their tour plans on Myspace.
Em uma discussão passada com o Psico (um grande amigo), analisávamos sambas de alguns compositores clássicos, principalmente Cartola, Adoniran e Noel. Eu sempre procurava por samba-canção com letras profundas, menos interessado na musicalidade e com foco maior na letra. Já o Psico, com a veia musical mais forte que a minha, achava que no conjunto importava mais a musicalidade.
Dividimos assim os sambas entre os sambas pretensiosos e os despretensiosos. No primeiro haveria letras profundas e uma temática mais engajada, seja em política, amor, paixão, etc. Os sambas despretensiosos seriam com uma temática mais cotidiana, assuntos corriqueiros do dia-a-dia…
Nesse primeiro momento achei que Saudosa Maloca do Adoniran Barbosa fosse um samba despretensioso, contando um “causo” comum da vida: um despejo de um cortiço.
Porém, vi um vídeo no YouTube (postado abaixo) que mudou um pouco a minha concepção sobre essa música. É um especial de Adoniran e Elis Regina de 1978, onde essa música é cantada mostrando cenas da cidade São Paulo da época.
Cheguei a conclusão que se trata de um música que conta a história da cidade de São Paulo, em especial do bairro do Bexiga…
O Bexiga e os bairros do centro de São Paulo não conservaram ao longo de sua modernização a arquitetura original com casarões e prédios antigos. Ao contrário disso, derrubavam tudo e reconstruiam com uma roupagem mais moderna. Isso bate totalmente de frente com a concepção de cidades européias como Madrid, Lisboa e Barcelona, que procuram preservar seus prédios antigos mantendo internamente em perfeitas condições de uso a sua estrutura e externamente conservando a arquitetura. A cidade acaba perdendo sua identidade e sua história…
“Ali onde agora está esse adifício arto
Era uma casa véia, um palacete assobradado
Foi ali, seu moço
Que eu, mato Grosso e o Joca
Construímo nossa maloca”
As casas térreas com arquitetura mais antigas foram todas demolidas dando lugar a modernos e altos edifícios. A história da arquitetura da cidade foi perdida nessa transição…
Retirei umas tomadas desse video do YouTube para evidenciar essa transição:
As memórias de Adoniran acabam sendo demolidas junto com os antigos casarões do centro da cidade. Interessante notar que o Adoniram não se opõe a essa transformação, de certa forma a considera legitima, conforme trecho a seguir: “Os home tá com a razão, nóis arranja outro lugá”…
Talvez possa estar “descobrindo a pólvora”, mas sempre considerei essa música bem despretensiosa não tinha pensado nela num prisma mais histórico da coisa… Enfim, são palavras de um economista sobre música, nada pra ser levado muito sério, hehe.
Segue o video abaixo, ele começa com a música Iracema, só depois começa Saudosa Maloca:
At first, I was very excited by the notion of eliminating the snail mail that comes to my front door.
But after reading the BBC article linked below, I just felt confused and disappointed.
If I understand correctly, Swiss Post is a service that gets your regular mail, scans it, puts it online, then lets you decide whether it should be trashed or not.
And this convenience costs £12 a month.
I admit that I don’t get it.
First off, I have done everything I can to cut down on the mail I receive by having all banking, bills, etc. sent by email.
Secondly, almost everything else goes straight into the bin. And as much as I hate filling my garbage can with junk mail, I can’t imagine looking at sale-fliers online will be quicker than pitching them after a one-second glance.
Maybe I missed the point, but this reminds of Dragon’s Den, when Duncan says, “you’ve invented a solution for a problem that doesn’t exist.”
I think this idea is ludicrous. I wish Swiss Post the best of luck, but I’m out.
BBC NEWS | Programmes | Click | Snail mail gets net speed boost.
Last year, Scarlett Johannson established herself as a musician with her debut album, Anywhere I Lay My Head. Let’s all agree that it wasn’t that bad at all. The girl can sing, I’ll say that.
Now try this on for size: her next album is going to be a collaboration with brilliant singer-songwriter, Pete Yorn.
The album is called Break Up. It comes out next month on September 15th on Rhino Records. With Yorn on guitar and Johansson gracing the songs with her raspy vocals, I am confident that this album will end up becoming something quite unique. A tale through folk/pop/country territory as told by these two wonderful people.
The album’s first single, Relator, is an amazing opener. It kicks the album off with duets and tambourines and pulls you into the story this album is going to tell you. Also of note, supposedly the album is influenced by Serge Gainsbourg’s duets with the beautiful Brigitte Bardot.
Yeah – I’m about to blog about the Backstreet Boys – shoot me. I love these guys. I would love to sit here and lie to you and tell you that the Beatles or Journey, Bad Religion or Rancid, New Found Glory or Blink 182 got me into music but honestly it was the Backstreet Boys. Leave it up to MTV to determine my future. I was OBSESSED(!!!) and did everything “BSB” (KTBSPA, ahem). These guys – in my opinion – have not lost their touch. The first concert I want to was BSB at the Anaheim Pond (now Honda Center). I got chills, i almost cried, and I swear Nick Carter winked at me haha. But seriously it was my first taste of live music and it got me hooked for life. They haven’t changed their sound, their songs still sound like them, they haven’t given in to what’s the trend and perhaps that’s why they’re no longer being played on the radio but whatever – they love it for the music and that’s hard to find. I guess it doesn’t hurt that they still make millions I’m sure. I will always love what these guys do just like I will always love what NFG does. But these boys have a special little place in my heart and it makes me feel like a 13 year old girl again when Nick starts singing his part in “Quit Playing Games (With My Heart)” haha. Okay I’ve said too much. Just give their new song a spin.
Genre: Indie Pop, Electronica
Year: 2009
Location: Portland, OR
Label: DFA Records MySpace
01. Ring the Bell
02. The Afterlife
03. I’m in Love With a Ripper
04. It’s Boring / You Can Live Anywhere You Want
05. Psychic City (Voodoo City)
06. Summer Song
07. We Have All We’ve Ever Wanted
08. Don’t Fight the Darkness
09. I’m in Love With a Ripper (Party Mix)
I got pretty damn excited when YACHT released See Mystery Lights in instrumental form for free. This album is already some of the best pop this year. And they made it even better for that summer-ending roof party…not that I’m having one.
Chris Berry’s new easy listening CD includes 18 tracks – half of which are ballads & swing oriented including Sinatra classics with big band arrangements, the other half are acoustic versions of classic pop hits including Elton John, Kenny Rogers, Van Morrison numbers.
The CD includes many of the songs included in Chris’ acoustic set with CMC
Chris Berry’s new easy listening album out now
It’s available for £10 incl p&p: send cheque made payable to Chris Berry to: Chris Berry, 2 Elmete Croft, Scholes, Leeds, Yorkshire, England LS15 4BE
Chris is available for theatre gigs, weddings etc
He plays with either his party rock covers band FOG, his electro acoustic act CMC or individually as solo artist.
You can contact Chris on 07855 992834 or email:
Bookings being taken for 2010-2011
Lady GaGa – Paparazzi (Moto Blanco Remix – Radio Edit)
Fastnade tidigt för Lady GaGa, det var något visst med henne som jag inte kan sätta fingret på. Men det var en snarlik känsla jag fick en gång i tiden då jag för första gången hörde Madonna. Nu snurrar hjulen dock så otroligt mycket snabbare idag märker man i och med att Lady GaGa gått från ingenting till att bli en superstjärna på bara nåt år. Men hon har en bra grund att stå på, skriver ju mycket av sitt material själv och har en stil som sticker ut men viktigast av allt, hon kan sjunga.
Nu är jag iofs inte så förtjust i originalversionerna av låtarna utan gör min värdering utifrån de dansgolvsmixar som kommer på hennes material. Men det är samtidigt ännu ett plusbetyg när man kan göra dansgolvsmixar av radiopop och resultatet blir bra. En riktig favorit av hennes alster är dansgolvsmixen av Eh Eh som jag naturligtvis måste bjuda på här och nu.
Lady GaGa – Eh Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say) (Random Soul Synthetic Mix)
Den har en grymt fet botten den här remixen så man kan få ståpäls för mindre. Den har tydligen aldrig blivit släppt på skiva utan bara som MP3 och finns t.ex att köpa på CDON.COM. Ja, det var lite om Lady GaGa och om jag får leka lite spåkärring så tror jag att hon kommer att bli en av de stora arenastjärnorna för lång tid framöver.
Måste så passa på och tipsa om en höjdarsajt om man gillar housemixar. Den heter Deep House och där kan man hitta mixar från storheter som Frankie Knuckles, David Morales, Little Louie Vega och framförallt Larry Levan. Sen finns en hel drös annat godis då databasen i skrivande stund innehåller 1568 mixar, så där finns många timmars lyssning av bra housemusik från senare delen av 80-talet och fram till idag.
Nu ska det bli lite middagsvila och sen ska jag förbereda mig och packa väskan då jag åker bort över helgen för att få lite stillhet i och med att det är stadsfest här i stan och då är det annat än lugn och ro på min lilla gata. Lite tråkigt kanske att man inte kan ta del av dylika evenemang, men jag har vant mig med åren att orken inte räcker till då det blir för mycket intryck m.m. så man kan blir helt slutkörd på en kvart. Sen funkar det inte för mig att vistas i folksamlingar för en enda liten knuff på fel ställe i ryggen eller sidan kan utlösa grymma “nervhugg” och kramper som jag helst slipper om jag kan. Men jag finner ju glädje i så många andra saker så egentligen känns det inte som jag missar något.
Det var mycket om lite allt möjligt, berättade redan igår att det kan bli lite tunt med inlägg ett tag framöver då jag är upptagen med lite annat de närmaste tre veckorna. Men nåt livstecken ska jag nog kunna åstadkomma. Vad det blir för spännande musik då får vi se, har ju som jag tidigare nämnt en väldigt lång lista med låtar som bara ligger och väntar på att få bli stjärna i ett inlägg här på Mayday Club.
Salvese quien pueda es un tema del album debur “Un dia en el Mundo” de Vetusta Morla.
Este album ha sido alabado por la critica especializada dejandolo en un lugar de privilegio en cuanto la historia de la musica alternativa en España.
.: LETRA :.
Puedo volver, puedo callar, puedo forzar la relidad.
puedo doler, puedo arrasar, puedo sentir que no doy más.
puedo escurrir, puedo pasar, puedo fingir que me da igual.
puedo incidir, escapar, puedo partirme y negociar la otra mitad
Puedo romper, puedo olvidar, puede comerme la ansiedad.
puedo salir, puedo girar, puedo ser fácil de engañar.
puedo joder, puedo encantar, puedo llamarte sin hablar.
puedo vencer, puedo palmar, puedo saber que sin vosotros duele más.
Puede ser que mañana esconda mi voz por hacerlo a mi manera.
¡hay tanto idiota ahí fuera!
Puede ser que haga de la rabia mi flor y con ella mi bandera.
¡sálvese quien pueda!
Puedo torcer, puedo lanzar, puedo perderme en la obviedad.
puedo servir, puedo cansar , puedo saber que sin vosotros duele más.
Puede ser que mañana esconda mi voz, por hacerlo a mi manera.
¡hay tanto idiota ahí fuera!
Puede ser que haga de la rabia mi flor y con ella mi bandera.
¡sálvese quien pueda!
Puedo torcer, lanzar, perderme en la obviedad.
servir, cansar , saber que sin vosotros duele más.
Puede ser que mañana esconda mi voz, por hacerlo a mi manera.
¡hay tanto idiota ahí fuera!
Puede ser que haga de la rabia mi flor y con ella mi bandera.
¡sálvese quien pueda!
¡sálvese quien pueda!
¡hay tanto idiota ahí fuera!
Genre: Noise Pop, Garage
Year: 2009
Location: Chicago, IL
Label: Hozac Records MySpace
01. Dreams
02. Boys Are Fine
03. Gimme Some Time
04. Girl In Love
05. We Stay Out
06. Tonight
07. Be My Girl
08. The Glam Goddess
09. Diamond Boys
10. My Heart
I’m guessing a tour with Los Campesinos! and Girls would probably help a band out, cause it did for The Smith Westerns. One of my good friends actually knows a few of the members, and its really good to see this lo-fi garage outfit get some good recognition.
3.00 AM SLT – 4.00 AM SLT
10.00 AM SLT – 12.00 PM SLT
Best Naughty Schoolboy/Girl
Club Purple Butterflies
11.59 AM SLT – 3.00 PM SLT
Deviant & Desiree show
TurboDJ Radio Network
1.00 PM SLT – 3.00 PM SLT
Angi Fargis presents Euphoria
Club Republik
1.00 PM SLT – 3.00 PM SLT
DJ Uastis Paine 1-3pm
1.00 PM SLT
POETIKparty_* – 2ndthoughts
Brando & renanyoy Oh
POETIK Velvets
2.00 PM SLT – 4.00 PM SLT
DJ Darrin2101 Spinning
Club Gothika
4.00 PM SLT – 6.00 PM SLT
Playboy Night!
Club Hooters & Shooters
5.00 PM SLT – 7.00 PM SLT
DJ Bats Enoch 5-7pm
6.00 PM SLT – 8.00 PM SLT
DJ GD @ Inferno Ice
Inferno Ice
6.00 PM SLT – 8.00 PM SLT
90s Night!
Club Hooters & Shooters
6.00 PM SLT – 10.00 PM SLT
90s Night w/DJ Camthan & DJ Jeli
Lounge of Dreams
7.00 PM SLT – 8.00 PM SLT
Jade’s Jazz Lounge with OnlyHalfCrazy Gumboa
Jade’s Jazz Lounge
7.00 PM SLT – 9.00 PM SLT
DJ Zarabella Ming 7-9pm
7.00 PM SLT – 9.00 PM SLT
[ Best in Pink ] with
Studio54 Voodoo
8.00 PM SLT – 10.00 PM SLT
Best In Leather
Club Purple Butterflies
9.00 PM SLT – 11.00 PM SLT
DJ Mortique Martynov 9-11pm
9.00 PM SLT
Live n Kickin
The Pocket
10.00 PM SLT – 12.00 AM SLT
Best In Neko
Club Purple Butterflies
More informations on, be a secondnighter today…